Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baby Pirate


  1. ahh!! i {heart} him. oh and bennett is sitting on my lap right now... and he is smiling at the monitor- i think he misses his friend!

  2. aw, i love henry the pirate! we cant see his other hand but im sure there is a hook at the end of it, right?
    and i swear i just saw him like yesterday. geesh, he grows facial hair QUICK!

  3. woops, i also wanted to say that i love how in the "you might also like" thing where it shows related posts there is one of him with an eye patch on pirate-in' it up again.

  4. Thanks to your LinkWithin widget I found this post and I'm dying! He's hilarious and I'm definitely going to dress my future children as pirates... What could possibly be cuter than a little pirate with a mustache?!

    And They Lived Happily Ever After...
