Friday, September 10, 2010

First Zoo Trip

We had so much fun taking Henry to the zoo for the first time! I thought he would really care less about the animals but actually, he was pretty aware of the awesome things surrounding him. He especially loved the aquarium, the meerkats, and the porcupines. I wish we had zoos in Savannah. Gahhh, just one more thing to make leaving Washington on saturday that much harder.

Ok, obviously the last photo wasn't taken at the zoo...but it is animal themed and incredibly cute so whatever. Henry's aunt Lindsay just got a new kitten and he's totally in love!

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  1. Is that the point defiance zoo?? I just took Bennett there and posted about it. We have lots of similar photos.
    Henry is so cute!! We're sad you have to leave WA too! It would have been nice to see you guys again! But you'll definitely have to let us know when you make the trip again!

  2. that last picture warmed my heart. can it be any cuter?

  3. omg. henry looks like mowgli with that tiger in the background. he's a jungle baby!

  4. So darn cute, as ever :-)
    You don´t have a Zoo nearby? How sad!

  5. um, that picture of him and the tiger is AWESOME!

  6. I think Henry and I need to be friends. Going to the zoo is probably in my top 3 favorite activities. I'm pretty sure I like a good zoo better than Disneyland...

  7. we have two cats and lovie is SO in love with them. :)

  8. Oh my gosh, so cute! It looked like he had a good time!!

    And the picture with the kitty? AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
