Thursday, September 23, 2010

Washington Again!

Henry and I are leaving early tomorrow morning for Washington, once again. Thanks to my wonderful mom and dad, I am able to make it to my friend Stacie's memorial on Sunday. This is really good for me, because being so far away from all family and friends that knew her makes it hard for me to process and accept everything.

While this definitely will not be a happy trip, I am looking forward to squeezing the heck outta my adorable sisters and brother and talking in person to my parents much sooner than I had originally planned!


  1. So happy to hear that you will be able to make it back for her memorial. Although, I do with you were coming back under different circumstances. Wish you had time to squeeze in another playdate with us!

  2. What a blessing! I'm so glad you will be able to celebrate your dear friends life with those who loved her best. Have a safe trip dear Allie.

  3. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! i am so so so happy you get to come back for this to be around the people who loved her most!

  4. safe travels. there are no words, i think it's good to at least get some kind of closure this way.

  5. gah, i always forget to say stuff in one comment. i LOVE your new header. henry, king of the blog world!

  6. Have a safe trip. I'll be thinking of you. PS Love your new header. It's new, right?

  7. i am glad you get to come back to see your family again-i agree that i wish it was under better circumstance!

    have a safe trip!

    i'm with mandy, i wish there was time for a playdate. hopefully we'll be coming your way soon!

  8. I'm glad you get to come back for her memorial. It sucks that this will be a sad trip. Hug.

  9. Im so glad you get to go home and be with family and friends..and help celebrate life. I live 13 hrs from my family..and not being home after my grandfather died really took a toll on me..but we will get through it one day at a time. We will certainly continue to say lots of prayers for everyone. Have a great/safe trip!

  10. Glad you can do it. Sad as it is, I think it helps understanding it´s really true.
    Be strong....
    Love that onesie, too cute!

  11. :( You are a good friend to make it out to it. *hugs* HOpe you travel safely!

  12. That is so good that you are going to be able to go back to Washington for the memorial. I will keep you in prayer this week as you head back- I know it is so hard to see a friend pass. I am so sorry for that.


  13. even though you're not going back for entirely happy reasons, it is a bonus trip to see family & old friends & celebrate the good (although way too short) life your friend lived. i hope it you are able to enjoy at least some of your visit to washington :) wish we had better weather for your trip!

  14. Sending you huge hugs as you make this journey! I pray that it is healing for you to go, and I am sure your going will be a blessing to her family!

    There is a time for everything. Grieving is so important, and so is saying "goodbye".

    I know it wont be easy, but just know we are thinking and praying for you!

    Try and enjoy your parents and siblings while you're home! That will be good for your heart!

    Sending hugs!!

  15. Take care. It's good that you can get back home for the memorial.

    Safe journey and know that we are all thinking of you from 'sunny' England.

