Thursday, September 23, 2010

a day in the life.

I am a nanny. Four days out of the week I'm making PB&J sandwiches, leading Waldorf based educational activities, finding lost lovies, and reading the entire collection of Disney Princess books more times than any sane person should. I answer to "Meemo" and Henry is know as "Haaay-reeee", "Baby Henry", and "Haaay! Stop cry'an!"

Our situation is perfect here. I love these kids, work with the nicest family, I don't have to put Henry in daycare, and he basically has two older siblings and a couple puppies to play with.

I accidentally snapped this picture the other day and holy crap is it perfect representation of Haaay-reee's relationship with little f and little r. Hahaha, poor kid (Not really. Get used to it baby. Some day you're going to have siblings!) He really loves both of them more than words (Get it? He can't talk yet? Ahhhaha) but let's just say the love he gets in return can sometimes be a little...overbearing. Can you blame them though? Just look at those chubby cheeks and that huggable little body!

Lately we've been chanting, "Babies need their baby space, stay out of a baby's face!" Thanks Yo Gabba Gabba. You know, as much as I am trying not to like you you just keep being freaking awesome and I'm kind of falling in love.

On a sorta related note: This is what my last weekend looked like. What are those big wet marks, you ask? Oh, just POOP STAINS. Little r decided that it would be awesome to use the couch as a trampoline right after he had completely filled his diaper. With runny poop. Don't know how I missed it exactly, but apparently every time he would land poop would explode all over the place.

Although I Stanley Steamered every inch of that couch, thinking about sitting on it still grosses me out. Oh, poor poop couch! You're going to be so lonely from here on out!

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  1. Isn't nannying great?! I used to nanny twin babies and I love them! That is so great that Henry has kids to play with to prepare him for siblings!

    And I love the poop couch! Haha- that kind of thing happened so many times to me when I nannied!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, sweet girl!

  2. Pop goes the Henry cuz the Henry goes pop! LOVE this accidental shot so much. Poop couch looked quite elegant prior to becoming a POOP COUCH.

  3. Ah that is so fun! I should nanny or something. I work part time but the other days I get so bored sometimes! I love that picture of him he's like,"Mom seriously? Are you letting her hold me? I guess its okay!"

    That couch is really cute poop stains and all!! haha

  4. I kinda love that poop stained couch. lol.

  5. LOL, the lonely poop couch. that cracks me up. I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time though. *shivers* <3

  6. What an awesome job you have!! Sounds like a perfect situation :)
    That picture is too funny! & sorry bout the couch... :/

  7. Yum poop sofa!

    That's so great you can work AND watch Henry. I don't know how you do it though...

  8. oh my god allie, that made me laugh out loud SO HARD. I love that, with a crapload of runny poop in his diaper, he was still happy enough to be bouncing around.

    the things that are possible! yay for very small humans!

  9. I'm a nanny four days a week, too! Definitely the perfect option in order to spend time with my baby, but still pay our bills! :)

  10. I'll take the poop couch! AND the bed behind it! Looks beautiful!

    I love his eye brows! They crack me up EVERY time!

  11. i nanny four days a week too! i love that im with Hendrix all day. also...your homemade babylegs are brilliant!!

  12. you have your hands full! wow. you are super!

  13. Poop stains?? Oh my gosh, that is hillarious! Someone sure has their hands full ;-)
