Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Cheap.

Henry is getting really good at crawling. Three weeks ago he started scooting around on his belly, using one little chubby arm to pull himself forward. About a week ago he propped his arms and knees up, took a few wobbly crawls, and since has decided that the belly scoot is for jerks.

Since he's been crawling, his soft little knees are now replaced with red, harder skin. It sucks that we have like, no carpet in our entire house (i'm not counting the mat that the stupid cat puked all over yesterday...) so he's always banging up those once so-soft chubby legs of his.

You know those adorable little leg warmers, Baby Legs? So cute. But also? So expensive (for what they are. I told you, I'm cheap.) But I wannnt them! Henry's red knees neeeed them! To solve this dilemma, I picked up some adult knee high socks (hello Target/$1.99!) with a fun pattern, cut the feet off at the heel and voila! Sorta Baby Legs. Good bye red knees, hello hella exploring.

I really should sew the hem at the bottom and add some elastic...but not only am I cheap, I'm lazy too!


  1. Yup, I've done the same thing!! But I haven't cut them yet... did you have to sew the cut part? probably, right?

  2. no, you're smart. it's the same damned thing!

    we got all our babylegs through babysteals website for some crazy cheap price. i hated seeing him scoot around on the hard floor without them. poor little knees!

  3. That works! Can we be like the cool kids and start wearing leg warmers too?

  4. Well done! Would´ve the same, we´re no idiots, right?
    Hehe :-)

  5. hahaha you are so creative allie! i probably wouldn't have thought of it myself :b


  6. I plan on doing this also when Avery starts crawling!

  7. GREAT idea! they probably fit him better too. i never liked how babylegs were so tight around his chubby thighs...yet i kept buying them...oh well.
    and a comment from me wouldnt be complete without saying how adorable henry looks in that cowboy hat!

  8. you're the second mom who has made leg warmers like that. smart!
    i buy Lily cheap pants and leggings for that.

  9. So not cheap. It's awesome! Why pay $15 for something you can make for $2? I need to get to Target to get me some socks!

  10. That is a great idea and don't worry plenty of us are cheap. ;)

  11. I did the same thing! Hooray for being cheap!!

  12. awesome idea! i need to try that out. will probably be too lazy to hem the bottom, as well. hahaha

  13. This is awesome! OK, so I'm cheap and lazy and sloooow, cuz I never thought of this at all and now I've got no more crawlers in da house. My poor beebs with their leather knees.

  14. we had all hardwood floors when my son was a baby too, and he never learned to crawl... he just did this crazy side scoot thing that kind of looked like a crab walk/breakdance move. it was hilarious! he actually never crawled until after he had learned to walk! i wonder if i'd made him something like this, if it would have made him want to crawl? pretty cute idea <3

  15. You are so creative!! I'm probably going to do the same thing when we have a baby since we don't have any carpet either!!

    If you haven't been seeing my blog updates, try unfollowing me and then following me again. Something is wrong with my blog and I think thats the only way for my readers to find me again!

  16. So clever!

    I've finally caught up on all of your posts-yaayyy! You have the cutiest baby I've seen in a very very long time!

  17. Here I thought you were going to say this was his Halloween costume! LOL

    Joining the Cheap Club, I am so stealing this idea once Mason becomes more mobile!!

  18. Great idea --> they have tutorials online for how to make your own baby legs too ---> but I'm NOT artistic so I'd go with the cutting of the socks as well --- I have baby legs for Seba -- but your sockies actually look more comfortable than the real thing! I find the baby legs cut Seba's chunky thighs! I'm going to try some socks and compare!
