Monday, September 20, 2010

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  1. this is ridiculously hilarious.

    and henry is as cutest as ever of course. stella really misses him!

  2. aw, he's such a cutie. happy 8 months!

  3. ahaha! you and henry crack me up! love the picture stories. glad him and pinocchio(?) made up!

  4. I've kept meaning to comment when my arms were free when I was online about your friend's passing. I'm so very sorry for your loss and it is so tragic and unfair that such a vibrant life was taken so young. You have been in my thoughts. I know we don't really communicate or anything but I keep up with your journal and well, I've had a lot of tragic losses to people I'm close with in my life and reading about your life here and there throughout the months - I can't help but care. *hugs*

    Henry always steals my heart!

  5. Allie, you are the cutest; this made me laugh out loud at work. That little kid is just the best!

  6. haha, my word, that is so cute! he is so adorable! love the one where you hugs the little doll, awesomeness
