Monday, August 30, 2010

We're Coming Home!

Hey Washington! Think you can handle the cutest chunk of baby fat you've ever seen?

Better get ready, cuz we'll see you tomorrow!


  1. have a safe flight! i know you're nervous but everything will be a-okay! oh em gee, im so excited to get my hands on his chunky little baby fat!!! :)

  2. what do you think are the chances of henry being able to meet his newest friend charlie while he's here? email me if you want to try and hookup, that would be so fun!

  3. Have a safe journey you lovely little family!

  4. jill: baby traaaaaaade! i can't wait to meet corbin!!

    heidi: thanks! i will email you some info as soon as I am in WA...

    rachel: i will email you in a bit here too...

  5. have fun! and take lots of pictures ;)

  6. I can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!

  7. YAY!!! Hoping to see you all on Friday! I have a super busy weekend but I'm gonna try really hard to come!! I'd love to meet you and your handsome man!

  8. Welcome back! I'll have to read on and see where you're coming from...and where you're headed. Your little one is adorable. I love that little bald head!

  9. hi, just stumbled across your blog and I wanted to say your son is adorable!
