Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We made it! Washington state has never felt so good. The eight hour flight and layover went well, Henry slept almost the entire way! He got his own seat at the last minute and was perfetly content playing with his books and toys, eating crackers, and flirting with the lady sitting next to him.
We're busy catching up and showing off Henry's tricks. As we say in the south, everyone here has been gettin' themselves some serious baby sugar and Henry just eats. it. up.

It's so good to be home.


  1. Yay!! So glad Henry did so well on the flight!

  2. welcome back to the evergreen state!

  3. i am SO happy you made it safely and you both are getting to see your family! i love that you captured what it must have looked like for henry on the plane! cant wait to hear about all your adventures! AND SO EXCITED FOR FRIDAY!!!

  4. Priceless pictures darling. have fun!

  5. Oh, tears. Sweetest post and boy. Glad things went so welllll!

  6. This is just the best; I love the family meet-n-greet shots! Glad you are home safe!

  7. glad you made it ok and that it was painless.
