Monday, August 30, 2010

Mr. Blueberry

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  1. I love his facial expressions!!

    Did you mash them up to give to him?? I want to try it with King! Or did you just let him suck the juice out?

  2. haha awww i love those baby blues. great pictures

  3. shawntae: thanks, me too haha! i actually warmed them in the microwave with a little water until they were like blueberry sauce and the skins were mushy. mixed it with some oatmeal and let him go's totally one of his favorite foods (watch out for upset stomach later on though!)

    claudia: thank you so much! your comments are always so sweet.

    jessica: thank you! your comments are always so sweet too!

  4. Oh my gosh, what a cutie!! Love the bowl on his head. If only he would have had a utensil in his hand, he would have looked like little baby dictator! LOL

    Do you like those bibs? We just bought some for Mason's big adventure into eating, but now I'm going "Oh my god, did I just get tricked into spending way too much on bibs?!"

  5. they are really expensive, aren't they?! luckily the kids i work with have a few of them and so when i'm at work we borrow it. totally worth having one of your own though, seriously. we only have cloth bibs at home and i feel like i am ALWAYS washing bibs. or finding dirty ones at the bottom of the laundry hamper that should have been washed a long time ago. keep them!!!!

  6. i cut blueberries in half and my son LOVES them. i keep them cold because i think it helps his teething..and wow he just goes to town on them!! the commercial was great..he's a star!

  7. Hi, I think you always have such great photos. What kind of camera do you use? And do you always shot with no flash? I'm getting a new camera, Shawntae recommend the Nikon D90 I think thats what I will end up getting.

  8. oh, he looks like that wasn't what he meant to do with them. too adorable!

  9. Beautiful baby! So sweet! If you get a chance swing by and look at a room I am designing for a client! Hugs, Meme

  10. i just got knocked over dead from the cuteness of that last picture!

  11. Too, too, too cute :-)
    Love those pics of that little guy :-)
