Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today I Love:

Today I love:

  • Going out for breakfast with Garrison and Henry.
  • That Henry has been napping for two and a half hours.
  • The green pepper that started growing a week ago (it's the only plant in our garden that hasn't been destroyed by the heat).
  • That someone found my blog by Googling, "Blogs about love".
  • Finally hearing from a friend that I thought I'd lost contact with (hey Huck!)
  • That I fly home in less than ten days.


  1. Happy Sunday, you lovely little family.

  2. Isn't gardening great?! I love it. I planted a flower garden this summer and, lo and behold the great floods in Tennessee and ridiculous summer heat destroyed them! (We have a few stragglers that survived.)

    But I plan on doing a veggie garden next year. : )

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Aww what wonderful happy things!

  4. Mmm.. I love going out to breakfast!
    Yay Henry for taking longs naps! (I'm sure your Mama is very very happy with that)
    And I'm so excited for you to come back! Blogger party here we come!

  5. today i love that you get to come home and that we get to hang out! :) and going out to breakfast is my favorite! and that is such a sweet little way to find your blog! and i just love this post.

  6. oh, and um, i also LOVE that picture!

  7. Aww!

    I have such a black thumb :(

    But I'm glad you don't ;)

    Love your blog btw!!!

  8. Heidi: happy sunday to you and your lovelies too!

    mandy: gardening is a ton of fun, especially when things start growing! we need to get better at actually watering things though, otherwise our only future is cacti!

    leah: thank you!

    mandy: yay! you're coming?! i'm seriously so excited!

    jill: your comments always make my day, you are just so sweet. only a handful of days until we meet!!

    mrs. muffins: my thumb is pretty black. and lazy. we planted so much and all we have to show for it is one (tiny) green pepper. we had a tomato but honestly, it sat on the vine for so long that i started calling it our "sun-dried tomato plant". maybe we'll be better at the whole gardening thing next time around? yikes!

  9. love the picture, love the shoes in the picture, love this post!

  10. That is soo neat that they found your blog that way!!

    Two hour naps are the best! Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself when Kingston sleeps that long.

  11. i love that Henry's name is written on the brick.

  12. What a bunch of th ings to be happy about! You are so blessed!

    HOW exciting about going home!:))

  13. ha! that IS fun, that they found you from blogs about love. you guys are SO about love.

    someone found my blog from searching 'attachment parenting is bullshit'. so, there's that.

  14. Such a fantastic picture! I love that someone found your blog that way. Yours truly is a blog about love!
