Sunday, August 22, 2010

Party Animal

Last night we went to a birthday party and didn't get back home until after ten. Henry usually goes to sleep around eight, so by the time we reached the front door he was so exhausted. By nine he had already reached that hyper, crazy, wth? stage that overcomes kids when they've been up for too long. This was the first time I've ever seen him act so wild. He squirmed all around my hip, screeched at everyone walking by, knocked glasses and bottles over, and kept pulling at my shirt and hair. A glimpse of crazy older Baby Henry, I'm sure.

Luckily because the party animal had spent so much time wearing himself out he slept like a college freshman. He woke up around five, quickly nursed, and then slept in until nine this morning. That means we got six hours of sleep. Straight. Today feels amazing.

I think this means we need to go to more parties?


  1. he is getting so BIG! and you will for sure be able to stay out later and later the older he gets!

  2. jill: SO big! i can hardly believe it sometimes! it's good to hear that it gets easier and easier. we definitely couldn't have pulled it off even two months ago...

  3. the later my son falls asleep..the longer he sleeps in...but the whole going to bed late thing hardly ever works. he's always out by 9...oye! but i cant complain he's in a good schedule at least. your H needs to be a baby model..

  4. I think that is a GREAT reason to go to/have more parties!!!

    What a hunk a roo!

    Glad you got lots of rest!

  5. i agree with jill. he must of gone through a growth spurt this week or something because he totally looks different.
