Monday, August 23, 2010

Kid Loves DOGS!

Garrison and I have been flirting with the idea of getting a dog lately (god help me). I'm not so much of a dog person but G has been wanting one for a long time. We even looked at a few at the shelter while I was still pregnant, but ultimately decided that the timing wasn't right. Because you know. Maybe that new baby would like, require some attention and care? Maybe?

We took Henry to the Humane Society a few weekends ago and he loved. it. To my surprise, he kept sticking his hand in every cage and laughing when the annoying yappy puppies would lick his face and bark really loud. He even loved the big, scary looking ones. This kid loves DOGS! After seeing how happy those puppies made him, the idea of getting one of our own is getting easier for me to consider.

Until then, we'll just keep learning to "play nice" with the dogs at work...even if they are smaller than you are.



  1. haha it's so cute how little Henry looks next to that doggie!

  2. jude loves dogs too (luckily). he and bang are best friends, it's bizarre. he screams and screams with joy every time he sees her. it's great for when i need to run to the bathroom. LOOK! IT'S YOUR DOG!

  3. I love puppies! I wish I had the time for one.. or the patience.. I think I would have to get a potty trained dog, because I suck at that.. Plus potty training the kid I got is hard enough :)

  4. I love puppies! I wish I had the time for one.. or the patience.. I think I would have to get a potty trained dog, because I suck at that.. Plus potty training the kid I got is hard enough :)

  5. He loves them! Yay! Soo cute!!

    Kingston and billy are bestest friends. I was soo paranoid though when I was pregnant and we almost got rid of him but luckily we changed our mind.

    The only thing I hate is when they stick the dog bones, dog food and all the dog shedding in their mouths

  6. Do it, do it, do it, hehehe just make sure you don't end up with a Wilbert on your hands!

  7. I have a dog, a little Chihuahua. Bennett LOVES him. There are pros & cons to having a dog and a baby. But overall, I think it's a good thing. It teaches the baby how to "be gentle" and get used to animals. And also, as they get a little older- it will help them learn a tiny bit of responsibility. Ya know, feeding the dog, walking the dog, loving the dog! :-)
    PS, I love that outfit Henry has one! Bennett has the same thing-ish. But in a different color!

  8. That's a hilarious picture(the last one)! What a cute kid! I love that he loves dogs!

  9. I heart that boy. He needs a dog. (No he doesn't, he's a baby.) (But how fun would that be?!) hahah <3

  10. ha! henry looks so much older in that last picture. it kinda freaked me out! anyway, if you get a dog, make sure it's the most laid back dog ever... like, one that doesn't mind his ears getting pulled off. i think we're going to stay away from animals for a long time. i really don't think i could handle walking a dog while taking care of wyatt... or what if it barked while wyatt was napping? DEATH. i'd kill it.

  11. Dogs are wonderful! They fill your life with so much love and laughter. Be sure you're ready to take on another kid though...they are like 2 year olds that NEVER grow up. haha. Good Luck! xoxo
