Tuesday, August 24, 2010


look real hard...can you see a baby henry in there??
(photo courtesy of south magazine
Aug/Sept '10)

We love to bike.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to ride mine in over a year because the idea of riding with a little baby in my belly was pretty unnerving and strapping him in one of those bike seats now makes me pretty nervous too.

In Chicago, we went everywhere by bike. Seriously, Chicago was our city of a) Sparks and b) bikes. We didn't own a car then and as a result got really good at riding reasonable distances. Looking back on it, having the freedom to just to hop on a bike whenever and ride to band practices and shows was a luxury.

I miss riding so much. I can't wait until Henry is older and I feel more comfortable taking him on rides around this wonderful city. There are so many fun bike events, it will be awesome when we can pedal out as a family and explore this area together.


  1. i miss my bike (Sally) and riding also! i rode all throughout my pregnancy, up until the week i was due. i also don't drive.
    i'm waiting a little longer until i can put her on a bike seat because it too makes me nervous...

  2. I really want a bike! I've never really been a bike rider but I'm dying for one now. We have amazing bike paths where we live!

  3. how exciting! You look so adorable! I love the picture!

  4. I agree - biking as a family is so much fun! Our 18-month-old loves her helmet and her trailer. We got a double Chariot, with a hitch for both of our bikes so either of us can tow her, or switch off if one person is tired. Tonight there is a 'sweets' ride around town with an ice cream shop and chocolate shop giving free treats to people on bikes. I'm so glad we can all go together :)

  5. you two are the coolest! er, i mean three!
