Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Post of Firsts

Lots of new things happening around here, it is so exciting! What a busy week for Baby Henry!

thanks McCorkles!

just kidding!

(not pictured: henry's first time staying with a babysitter. this "first" deserves an entire post of it's own.
Hella. disaster).

Also, in case you haven't heard Sara from Don't Worry Baby went into labor last night. Send tons of good thoughts for an easy labor! I'm so excited to see her little baby Slyvie!

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  1. i love all of it! we have the same stroller cover!

  2. oh man, i always wanted that stroller! we tried to track one down on craigslist for months, but to no avail. settled on a peg perego instead. not as cute. :(

  3. so many exciting firsts!
    yay, henry!
    will we be hearing about this disastrous first? haha.

    how exciting for sara!
    yay! :)

  4. Awe!! Happy firsts Henry!! Those are all such exciting things! And he looks so dang cute doing them all :-)

  5. I love this post :) :) :)
    Cherish all of these adorable little "firsts"!!!

  6. SO CUTE!!
    I wish I had pictures of all B's firsts!

  7. Awww, I love everything. Especially that little man! And the stroller is nice too!

  8. He is the cutest!

    Can't wait to hear about his first time with a sitter. you have me curious now!

  9. i love how you padded the shopping cart like CRAZY! it's so funny and sweet.

  10. Awww, what a huge week!! Looks like he took it all in stride too!

  11. So great. Can't wait to hear about the babysitter. I love your cart cover. Sofia had a really cute one with cherry blossoms on it!

  12. Very cute! I remember the first time B sat in a grocery cart "for real" and I was so geeked ;)
