Friday, August 6, 2010

Babies = Awesome.

This morning was one of those mornings. I was running late for work and completely stressed about everything. Seriously, name something and I guarantee you I hated its guts.

I hated that the house was already a disaster (I just cleaned it a few days ago!! how does this happen?!) I was mad at the fact that every piece of clothing I own is faded or fits weird. I hated that our stupid cat was meowing at Henry's door and darting between my feet. I hated that it was so freaking hot outside. I hated that our toothpaste tastes disgusting. I hated. I hated. I hated.

I loaded the car and went in to get Henry out of bed and this is what I saw:

While I had been running around the house mad at life (over dramatic, much?) Henry had been having a great morning! As I picked him up he gave me the biggest smile, squeezed my neck and cooed in my ear.

I realized this morning that babies don't notice when the house is a mess. They don't get upset when you haven't folded the laundry in the dryer or found the time to wash the dishes. They don't care when their mom dresses like a middle schooler.

And I think this is the greatest thing ever.
Babies. are. awesome.


  1. That is so true. Babies are just happy to be loved. I think we can all learn so much from our babies!! I love that picture of Henry, he is just adorable. How could you not just smile when you see that face?!

  2. True that!

    If I get out of sweats, aidyn is impressed! "Mommy you're beautiful!" or "you look pretty momm!" is what I get EVERY time I get my lazy butt dressed

    kids are awesome!

  3. he was all like, "hey mom, chill."

  4. our kids definitely bring us back down to reality! what a beautiful face to wake up to!

  5. I wish you were on Tumblr so I could likelikelike this!

  6. hey, i updated you on facebook about how the sleep training is going.

  7. Dont you just love those great morning smiles!!

  8. Oh man Allie, this post was so wonderful. I'm sorry you've been so "mad at life" this week. (me too) H is definitely telling you everything's going to be alright in this picture. Good luck.
    Keep posted.

  9. Don't you just love the neck squeezes and the cooing? Too great!

  10. oh this seriously is so true. and just put me in such a GREAT mood. thank you! :)
