Thursday, August 5, 2010


I love that people take the time to make things like this.


  1. That was seriously so cute, talented & funny! Loved it!

  2. Oh man, way too cool! I love that crazy amounts!

  3. Whoa! This just boggles my mind!

  4. Thank you! That was wonderful!

    I actually got the chills watching it... way. too. cool.

  5. what a neat video! i love it!

  6. that was fracking amazing. im stealing this and posting it because i love it.

  7. flippin coolest thing i've ever seen!

  8. I've been so busy all week and finally just caught up on your blog.
    - Love the vacation!
    - the CIO does not work for Ruari. Maybe because I don't stick with it.
    - Ha ha: Mom fail!
    - Is it creepy that I want to do a playdate with the WA blog mommies I've met?
    - The Western Spaghetti video is awesome!
    - The mesh teether feeder is really awesome. I bought the single feeder. It was like $6 and I used a coupon. She LOVES it. So much easier to feed her this way. Just lay down the towels and let her go.

  9. Love the western Spaghetti!

    I was browsing "Top Baby Blogs" last night and I came across your blog! (I am almost 9 weeks pregnant with my first baby, so I am on the constant lookout for blogs about babies and younger moms.) Your blog is really great!

    I have been reading a lot of birth stories lately-- but yours made me bawl! Half way through reading it some girl scouts rang my doorbell and I ran and hid bc I didn't want them to see me bawling and I didn't think they would understand pregnancy emotions .)

    Anyway, love your blog and your baby is so adorable!
    Keep blogging!

  10. This is AMAZING!! I love it so so much.

  11. Oh my, how great is this???? So creative! Thanks for sharing!
    I know I´d never had the patience to do that!
