Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mom Fail.

Nobody puts Baby in a jumper seat.

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  1. not a fan of the jumper seat? we've never tried one.

  2. Jamie: He tolerates it now, he really likes the stationary jumper but can't stand being in the door frame one for very long at all...

    Jess: Is it so horrible that this face makes me laugh so hard? Poor Henry, never taken seriously around here!

  3. I love your blog! you are such a cute mommy!! and that baby boy is adorable!

  4. even though he looks terrified, this picture is absolutely priceless!

  5. Haha. It makes me laugh too.
    I wish my mom took more photos of my weird facial expressions as a kid!

  6. Very Expressive. And the Academy Award goes to...........Baby H! Do you sometimes feel like you are the Best Director In A Family Comedy/Dramady Series? zoe

  7. Henry is super cute, You have some great pic's of the two of you together. Love your blog.

  8. Pitiful. Just pitiful. Tell Baby H that if he was here I'd never, ever torture him like that. I'd simply hold him the whole time. Poor boy.;)

  9. Hello!

    I came across your blog and really enjoyed reading it, it looks like you have a great family! He is adorable!

    I help people put their stories and photos in books, canvas, calendars, cards, through digital storybooking. Its a website and SO fun and easy to use. I would love to help you as well. Take a look at my blog and let me know what you think. Thanks!! Leslie:)

  10. LOL, just what did you do???
    Kinda... cute, though! (Sorry, future Henry, but it sure is)
