Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

I can't believe this week is almost over! I've been so busy working and trying to sort out confusing details for grad school and as a result, the days have just flown by. Apparently my acceptance letter was never mailed and so I'm having to scramble to complete small requirements like purchasing liability insurance (wth?!) and getting tetanus shots so that I can register for classes. Oh and I was supposed to register like, last week? Um, thanks guys.

Some things that are making my day:

A reassuring phone conversation with my mother-in-law and a good chat with Paige.
Coffee and Iron and Wine on the drive to work.
News from my Melissa that Bob Dylan is playing in WA when we will be visiting home.

My boys snuggling each other in bed this morning.

A happy letter from my little sister.

This wacky face I caught on camera...seriously, how does he come up with these?!

and THIS SONG (over and over):



    that picture is so AWESOME of henry. oh, i want to tell you, whenever you're awake in the middle of night with henry, just know that i'm probably up with wyatt.

    it's like when people say they're looking at the moon at the same time... we're connected. :) HAHAHA

  2. That face makes me laugh out loud! He is so freakin cute!

  3. Oh man Allie--I just have so much love for you. Your letter goes in the mail tomorrow. And those pictures are amazing. And so you want to hear something depressing? Bob Dylan was here a few months ago and I MISSED HIM. I couldn't afford the 60 some dollars for a single show. I'm really sad about that still.

  4. Jess: HAHA! I always think about you two during those long, early morning hours!

    Brittany: Thanks! When I was going through the pictures I laughed so hard when this one popped up.

    Paige: Yay! I am so excited to get your letter, they are always the best part of my week. 60 dollars is crazy expensive, I would have missed the show too...It's hard because I know that's one show I'd always regret not spending the money to see :( I totally know how that feels!

  5. Your outfit in that top photo is soo adorable!
    & that face cracks me up! Too cute :)

  6. grad school? tell us more!!! and your coming home? how exciting! i bet a few breaths of the pacific northwest air will leave you feeling refreshed! and your families are going to never want you to leave! :)

  7. Jamie: Awww, thank you!!

    Jill: I'm trying to get my masters in teaching starting this fall but lately have been realizing that this is going to be super stressful with a still new baby around. Something will work out though! AND we're coming home early september (i might be flying out earlier than garrison). We should meet up for a coffee with the babes if time allows!

  8. Just found your blog by accident. It's awesome. Kind of jealous. Great job; beautiful family.

  9. wait? wha?
    did my eyes deceive me?
    visiting labor day weekend and going to bumbershoot?
    will you and henry have time for a baby party bloggy meet up?!

    we should make paper mama, jill and corbin come too!

  10. i just got chills. for serious. uh, that just might sound like THE BEST play date of all time. we could round up all us northwest moms and omg. it would be so much fun! yes, lets pretty please try to plan that. rauri and poppy and bennett and stella and henry and corbin...and im sure im missing someone but i would just die.
