Monday, August 9, 2010

Nice Shades, Kid.


  1. that is some hot stuff right there!

  2. Sssssssssss (you know, like that old school thing where people lick their finger and touch their butt) HA!

  3. those ARE nice shades! that last picture is priceless!!!

  4. i can't believe he wears them! wyatt thinks it's a toy. this picture is seriously priceless. he seriously looks like a cool dude.

  5. ahahaha! sssss. that is hilarious! henry is so cool! i love his pose in the first one and his perfect pouty lips in the last! oh, and the rubber ducky!

    ps. i was browsing around your blog last night and watched the video you and g made of your new house. OMG! cafe fun! hahaha and the triple door access to the bathroom is good for chili nights! it was so cute! and so funny! i wish i would have started my blog before corbin was born! have you ever made it into a book yet? or do you plan on doing that?

  6. what s stud! i'm loving those cool shades and that yellow little duck friend : )

  7. Dude, I love a babe in shades!

  8. Hahaha! I love this! He even poses and has the GQ face down! What a cutie!

  9. Look at him posing!! I squeeled when I saw these. You made such a cute baby! Make more now. :)

  10. HAHAHAH!! Allie, your comment up there killed me!

  11. Whoa. He is WAY too cool! I love it. And: I'm working on figuring out maybe coming up to Seattle to see all of you. Maybe. :D

  12. Thanks guys! Jill: I totally forgot about that video, haha! I need to go back and read some of that old stuff...I bet it's real different than my posts now!

    Chelsey: I am so excited to hear such good news! Try really hard, it would be awesome to meet one of my favorite bloggy friends in "real life" :)

  13. i wish my son would sit sit with sunglasses on! the coffee pic below is sooo adorable. its like, " what if i drink i make this straw look good"

  14. Your blog is adorable and so is your little man! Found you on MBC :-) I'm your newest follower. ~Kimberly

  15. So freaking cute! Scarlett hates anything on her head - hats, sunglasses, etc. I so wish she'd wear some.

  16. Love It! These pics are the cutest!
