Sunday, July 11, 2010

Free Slurpee Day

Did you know that every July 11th participating 7-11 stores give out Slurpees for free? FOR. FREE! Who even does that anymore? I wish we had 7-11s where we lived, this ninety degree weather is killlling me!


  1. did you just say you dont have 7-11's in georgia?!?! i've consumed more slurpees these last two weeks than probably my whole life put together! and that even means taking corbin out of the carseat to run into the store for two seconds. and i still do it! haha

  2. We don't have any seven elevens around us either! I want one too!!!

  3. Hey, don't get too excited about the free slurpees. We went yesterday to get slurpees and were told that the next day MEDIUM sized slurpees would be free! Yipee! Your siblings (especially Stevie) were soooo excited!!!So after church we made a bee-line right down there only to find that the free slurpees were the 7.11oz size. Do you know how little a 7.11oz sized cup is? But no worries, Stevie and his buddy Isaac just kept refilling their cup-other and other. Sooo embarrasing.

  4. What? Seriously? I might have to stop by one on my way out for groceries. I had no idea!

  5. YES I KNEW!Getting mine tonight--happy birthday 7-11!

  6. haha, well i'm sure there are 7-11s in georgia...just not in the city we live in.

    mom, that's so lame! i hope that's not how it is everywhere, that's crazy.

    jill: we have "slush puppies" but not an original slurpee in sight! drink lots for me and henry!

  7. OF COURSE I KNEW! perfect blogging opportunity.

  8. Oh how I wish there were 7-11s in Wisconsin!!

  9. allie. slush puppies are two trillion million ba-zillion times better than slurpees anyway. i used to love going to my niece and nephews skating parties because they had them at the skating rink!

  10. none in Wisconsin at all?! yikes!

    jill: i totally agree! i still remember the first slush puppy i ever had (last year, gasp!) i think i miss slupees though because they remind me of WA and living in chicago!
