Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Favorite Things

I was tagged by IROCKSOWHAT to share a few of my favorite things around our house!

starting from left to right:
Henry's origami crane mobile, our kitchen shelves, our book collection, the quilt my little sister made for me, our colorful plate collection, Bunz the cat, the bookshelf G made for Henry before he was born, my microkorg, our record collection, the tea pot and cups from our dear college friends, G's self portrait, my bike (and our porch!)

Now I tag:

Don't Worry Baby

A Little of This, a Little of That
Double Half (Iris Flava)
Prone to Wander


  1. i'm seriously so glad you did this! you have the best stuff for realz. i really dig your style dude.

  2. How lovely! I'll think of few things around my house (although they wont be as cool as yours)and post soon! Thanks for the tag!

  3. How fun! You've got some awesome artwork! LOVE IT! :)

  4. I want to see more of the plate collection!!

    And the quilt!!

    I totally want to get into quilting, but I'm terrible at sewing, so.... it may never happen.


    Go pick up your award, list 7 random facts about yourself, and nominate 15 people!

  6. I want to make one of these. Only tage I ever participate in? Maybe!

  7. H's bookshelf is very cool. I bookmarked directions on how to make one right after M was born, but we still haven't made one. We should get on that. The quilt is awesome too. :)

  8. I left you an award on my blog!

  9. You have the best style EVER! You and Jess rock my socks off! I think you should come and decorate my house!

  10. oh everything is so cool. i love your porch and your bike and your colorful plates and bunz! and way to go handy man g for making that bookshelf!

  11. jess: i was super excited about this tag, it was a lot of fun so thanks!

    brittany: i bet your stuff is awesome and i can't wait to see :)

    moriah: thank you! g does a lot of the paintings in our house, which makes the whole house feel so roomy!

    tia: oh wow, i am SO bad at sewing large things like quilts. i couldn't believe my ELEVEN YEAR OLD sister sewed that all by herself. crazy!

    joy: thanks so much! i'll list and tag soooooon!

    paige: i know you don't usually "do" tags (i don't either) but i was curious about what you had lying around your place. won't break my heart if you don't do this though, fyi ;)

    sarah: thanks! i was really happy with the way the shelf turned out, it hangs on the wall and doesn't take up any room space. win!

    shelley: thanks! i'm headed over there right after i type these replies! you are so sweet :)

    brittany: YEAH. RIGHT. your stuff was seriously awesome and i love your style. i remember the day you found those rad cases and the vintage cameras and put them up on the shelf. wow, we've been blog friends for a long time now haven't we?!

    jill: thank you! i will pass on your compliment to G! bunz is a really sweet looking cat but she's kind of a mean old grumpy lady...

    melissa: thanks!

  12. That was a lot of fun, thank you! :-)
    Sorry, took me a while, it was just so darn hot over here (so hot, my receiver blew up, does that count as an excuse? ;-)...)
    Love Henry´s bookshelf!

  13. your house looks like it's funky and fun!

    that first picture, my office is painted almost that exact same color! good taste lady!

    and your baby is just a doll!

  14. iris: glad you had fun! i also really liked doing this :)

    chelsea: thanks! my husband picked that color out and we were both so happy with it! you have great taste too :)
