Saturday, July 10, 2010

our day in pictures

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  1. How great are these pictures?!

    Looks like a great day!! :)

  2. oo oo oo, i love the family picture :)

  3. Pretty much looks exactly like our family day. World cup, city time in the heat, family time...

  4. AHHHHHH! you guys are my FAVORITE!!! i love your little family. and you are such a gorgeous little mama!

    it's been 90+ here all week and i've been wearing a different sundress every day. this morning poppy was playing peekaboo under it and i though my heart was going to explode from cute. (;


  5. Great day. You know every time I see a picture of you, I think "damn she is beautiful", seriously. You have the cutest little family. Love the porch view picture too. I could seriously hang out there.

  6. you are all so sweet, thank you!

    emily: i've been reading all about this 90 WA weather and have such a hard time believing it! so glad you are all finally getting a summer!

    sarah: awww, don't make me blush! thank you so much :) that porch is one of my favorite things about our house!

  7. oh I love the storm watching.

    i'm always so excited when a storm pops up.

    this past week we had a lot of rain, without the lightning/thunder issue, so I let my babies run outside and play. it was so nice.

  8. i love this day allie! the family picture is sooo cute! i wish we took more pictures with us all together. this has really got my motivation going for another version of "a day in the life of us" post. i havent done one since corbin was like three months old!

  9. tia: the storms here are my favorite! henry is just starting to realize when they are happening though and he gets all freaked. i love that down south the lightning storms happen like clockwork...something awesome to look forward to almost every night!

    elle: awww, thank you so much!

    jill: i'm totally going to find your "day in the life of us" post now! i love seeing people's everyday adventures and routines....

  10. you are all just too cute! love this entry of photos. & henry's lashes? completely jealous!
