Tuesday, June 22, 2010

henry month 4-5 032 by you.

I've moved all of your lovely buttons to their own page, just to keep things a little more organized around here. You'll find this new picture on the right, click it and then check out the other blogs I have listed as well. They are all so good! If you have a button and I somehow missed it, let me know and I'd be happy to add it!

I think you all might really love these blogs as well, go and see!

The Paper Mama
A Family in Love
Sweetest Nest


Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


  1. This is a good idea.


  2. Thanks Lacy! Except now I need to figure out how to move them next to each other without breaking the html...Frustrating!!

  3. Oh, thanks so much for including me! I love your blog too. And, I just saw you doing VERY well on Top Baby blogs. Bueno!

  4. Oh, and DITTO to the frustrating html with the buttons. I've been trying to put a friends page together forever. It has been trouble. I'll let you know if I figure out something to keep them clean and organized.

  5. thanks for puttin ours up there, lovie! we heart your blog too!!!

  6. Love the button for your blog page! So great! Thanks for including me! :D

  7. You're all so welcome, thanks for taking the time to read all of my ramblings. :)

    Jess: I noticed your blog button. Yours is WAY better than mine! Wyatt and that little butt, so cute!
