Monday, June 21, 2010

lindsey's visit may 10 086 by you.

Happy first day of summer! During the early months of my pregnancy I imagined taking Henry on long, sunny walks around the neighborhood every day. I pictured us playing at the beach and going to the park even if he was still too little to enjoy the swings or climb the bars. Now that he's here I've realized that babies get hot much quicker than we do. All of those leisurely strolls I once envisioned have in reality become fast sprints from one air conditioned space to the other.

I can't wait until it cools down just a bit so we can start spending more time outdoors. I'm so anxious to introduce Henry to this beautiful little city of ours!

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  1. i feel the same way! this fall is going to rock!

  2. oooo oooo oooo! It IS the first day of summer. I wish I felt better so I could go out and enjoy it!

  3. Luckily it hasn't gotten too hot here yet, but when it does there will be many trips to the pool. :)

    Happy Summer!

  4. Jess: Fall will be perfect! Too bad it's so far away though :(

    Brittany: Feeling sick? Yuk! Get better soon!

    Sarah: I'd love to take H to a pool more often. The first time we took him he loved it! He kept kicking the water all around and bouncing on my hip. Too cute!

  5. Hey there. Looky here:

  6. Hi, I wanted to introduce myself!! I am Mandy and I found you through The Paper Mama! Seems we both want to get the baby out to enjoy the beautiful cities we live in! However my problem is that it's so rainy here!! (I live in Seattle) Oh and our boys are only a week or so apart in age. I love your birth story, you are one strong lady.
    Nice to meet you, Allie!

  7. Hey Mandy! Thanks for taking the time to comment, I'm so glad you did! Want to know something crazy? My husband and I are actually from the Seattle area and still have most of our family in WA! He grew up in Gig Harbor and his parents currently live in Tacoma. I grew up in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island and we both went to college in Bellingham. I have been hearing about the crazy weather you are all getting but still would deal with it if it meant we could be home with our families again.

    Heading over to your blog now!

  8. way to go on being the featured blog today! that is awesome!

  9. i haven't mentioned this before, but i think you take great pictures. you have a really good concept of angle and you understand the theory of taking pictures in "threes". imagine the picture folding three times and there being an object in each section. it's visually stimulating and humans naturally like it. just sayin'...

  10. Thanks Melissa! I think they feature a blog a different blog every hour. I've seen yours featured too!

    Jess: You are so awesome, thanks for the nicest compliment I have received in so long! I had never heard of the "threes" rule but I like it, it makes sense!
