Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Easily Distracted

henry month 4-5 030 by you.

I have been having the most difficult time getting Henry to nurse these days! As a newborn he was one to take his time eating, usually having to be at my breast for at least an hour. Somewhere around three months he turned into a champion speed eater and started finishing both breasts anywhere between twenty minutes to half an hour. I got pretty used to this and although I missed my awkward little snacker, these new eating habits worked pretty freaking well with our chaotic schedule.

Now H is five months old and has decided that everything is more interesting than milk. Oh, is that dad singing in the kitchen? Can't eat, gotta listen. Hey, the cat is walking by? Hold on. Am I really moving my own toes right now?! Let. me. see! He's constantly pulling away to watch everything, which means he's nursing more frequently and taking his sweet time doing so.

Welcome back slowpoke!

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  1. Haha. It's pretty amazing how great the little things in this world seem when they're so new to us!

    I like to pretend to re-new my life as if everything were something new.

    Henry's getting so cute. Love his puppy eyes in this photo. :) ♥

  2. How funny.. Must be the age.. Aiden also is a slow eater as of late.. I blamed it on him having two older brothers who are so interesting.. :) Cute picture, he is adorable..


  3. Dori: So true! I love seeing all of the things that distract him, some are rather odd. It's so funny!

    Lacy: I keep telling my husband to stop being so distracting, poor guy ha ha. Aiden is so cute :) Him and H should be slow eating buddies!

  4. okay, so this might be a little too much information for some people...

    but don't you love it when they pull away and you're left there spraying everywhere? i'm always like cupping my boob and panicking all while coaxing wyatt to latch back on. whew. it should be an olympic sport.

  5. Oh my god Jess, YES! It's so funny when they get those lines of little milk dots all over their face, ha ha.

  6. enjoy the time you do have! It goes by SO fast!

  7. My daughter was exactly like that as a little baby, and then somewhere around 6 months she only nursed for 5 minutes at a time. Total freak out, but had a lot more time available, haha.

  8. Oh sweet baby boy. There are so many things to look at.

    Ruari gets distracted all the time. But, she never wanted to nurse... so, we just follow her turning head with the bottle. :D

  9. Haha! I'm SO glad I'm not the only one going through this! Jackson is also 5 months old and is experiencing the same type of distraction while eating. Little stinker snacks all day long!

  10. oh, i was also thinking about how long he nurses and stuff... wyatt only nurses for about 5-8 minutes now. it's really quite weird. i get paranoid that he's not eating enough. but i guess he is? he's still alive anyway.

  11. uh oh, i am not looking forward to this with stella. super cute post though, your writing today made me giggle :)

    and so cute photos as well!

  12. Hi Allie, cherish these moments though. Everything else really can wait. :-) I missed those bf/nursing times as soon as they ended.

  13. Ah, this too shall pass. My babe did the same thing around that age. She's 10 months now and nurses just fine again. For us, it helped if I nursed the baby in her room in the glider with shades pulled and no dogs or husbands allowed in the room. :o)

  14. Hahahah! Perfect impression of a distracted baby! thattt'sss my future husband ♥ hahah

  15. My son wanted to stop nursing at 5 months. Just like H..he just didn't seem quite as interested anymore. Slowly but surely my body stopped producing so we had to switch to formula..it broke my heart. I really miss that bonding stage we had while I nursed him. I hope he continues to eat for you! I really enjoy reading your blogs! He's such a ham!

  16. Britt: Yes! It's just flying by!

    Courtney and Jess: Yeah, how can they possibly get the amount of milk they need in just a few minutes? I'm sure H would love to quit after 5 min or so too, but I keep turning his head to try to get him to eat. :) Poor guy! No wonder he has all of those rolls!

    Dena: I love your comment, that is so true!

    Heather: I bet once they get used to all of the new noises/sights they start nursing better again. At least I hope that's how it works!

    Paige: He was looking at the camera because he knew you'd be seeing the picture ;)

    Ashley: Thanks!!! Replied to your comment over at your blog :)
