Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

three months 006 by you.

And oh, what a wonderful one it was!


  1. Haha this is so cute!
    I love your photos and ideas, you seem like such a good person!

  2. Thanks Dori, you are so sweet. Don't even get me started on you...oh man. I probably talk/think about you and your wonderful ideas a bajillion times a day!

  3. This is so cute and sweet, I just got back from oceans and I saw a trailer for a new movie called babies. It's about 4 babies from different places in the world they film from birth to 1. Looks SO sweet and I can't wait to see it. I also thought of h when I saw the trailer. You guys are like my ideal picture of a family. You inspire me.

  4. That is the nicest comment I have ever received here...thanks Paige :) Just watched the trailer for babies and I really want to see it! It's too bad you don't live here because then we could make G watch H and go see it together!

    Sometimes he'll suck on his paci for a while...just depends on his mood :)

  5. Awh, I wish that too! That would be too fun! We'll have to go see it on the same day though and talk about it:)

    Got it:)

  6. He is so so adorable! boys are the best. :) lovely blog.

    nicole visiting from

  7. oh that onesie is way too cute! and little henry [LOVE that name!] is soooooo sweet and adorable! i'm a new follower! :)
