Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Chazz is Here!!

Doesn't he just look so rad? Well he is and if you come to Savannah we'll share him with you!

We are spending the last part of this week and our entire weekend with our good buddy Chazz. Henry and I drove down to Jacksonville yesterday morning and brought back with us one of the nicest and most interesting people I have honestly ever met. So far we've been eating a bunch of delicious vegan food, painting, listening to the boys play music, and drinking beers on our tiny little porch. Henry just adores his Uncle Chazzy and even went from TOTALLY FREAKING OUT last night to smiling and cooing once Chazz entered the room.

Sorry if I have been slacking on posts lately...I'm quite sure you understand. I'll make up for it next week!

OH hey...giveaway tomorrow!!


  1. Jacksonville FL?

    I just moved from G-ville and I miss it SO MUCH!

    As for this guy... He looks incredibly rad! :) Enjoy the music and good food!

  2. Thanks Paige!

    Brittany: You used to live in Jacksonville? You were so close to us (2 hours away)!! He flew in from Austin, TX's just way cheaper to fly people into Jacksonville than Savannah.
