Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And the Shoes Go To...

I wanted to do something creative to pick/announce the winner of our felt booties giveaway but (as most things go these days) found myself short on time. SO, using's number generator (can someone puh-lease teach this computer illiterate dumbo how to paste that image onto a post...I have wasted TOO much time trying to figure it out just now. Frustrating!) I am excited to announce that a pair of shoes will be made and sent to :

Marcella from Mar & the Peej
(comment #10)

I can't wait to pick out fun decorations for Pella's shoes tomorrow and will start sewing them soon!! Please e-mail me your shipping information as soon as you can. Congratulations to both of you!

Thanks to everyone who entered, I seriously wish I had the time to make shoes for all of your beautiful babies and babies to be :)

We'll be hosting a product review giveaway on Friday so be sure to check back then...

And now for some serious, serious sleep (please, Henry?)


  1. I can teach you how! facebook chat me next time you're on! :)

  2. you can do a screen capture of it. that's what i did! i don't know the keys on a pc, but if you have a mac hold down shift, command and 4.

  3. Thanks guys! Paige I will totally be FB you about this. Gosh, I feel SO OLD! I did try screen capture and then tried to paste it into paint and then crop...but it wasn't reading it. I finally just gave up, I was so mad...

  4. for a pc it's ctrl + shift + print scrn

  5. woo hoo!!!!! my first time winning anything in my life!!!!!
