Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Henry is THREE MONTHS Old!

three months 014 by you.

three months 004 by you.
Recycled Cat says, "I know what Panda got you for your birthday..."

three months 025 by you.
Towards the end of the night, the party got a little out of control.

Happy three months, Baby Henry! We're so lucky to have you...you make us so happy :)


  1. KEYYYYYY-UTE! :) This is seriously AH DOOR A BULL! :)

    Happy 3 month birthday!

  2. Hehe,this is too cute. You guys are so fun. Just wait 'till six months, they throw some MAD parties!

  3. Thanks Brittany :)

    Paige: Six months is going to be crrray-zay!

    Jess: At his last appointment he was in the 60th percentile for height. Go Henry!

  4. your blog is so precious!
    i can't wait to see more of sweet Baby Henry. :)
    happy 3 month birthday, cutie!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Lydia! Can't wait to check out your blog more too...you are adorable!!

  6. Oh goodness! He is too sweet! I love reading blogs of ladies who have kids! Because although I love them the husband and I aren't ready just yet!

    I'm excited to follow your blog! I looked through some older entries, and your family is just adorable!

  7. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Hope you're having a lovely week!

  8. I am dying from the cuteness over here!

  9. Happy three months! Looked like I missed a fun party! These photos are absolutely adorable. Three more months untio his half birthday, yay!!
