Friday, April 23, 2010

PaciPlushie Review and **GIVEAWAY!** (CLOSED)

13 weeks 009 by you.

As you may recall reading in my "Henry Hates His Paci" post a few weeks ago, H has never been too attached to his pacifier. He usually only if he's unsure about a new situation or really tired. I think part of the reason he never really took to one was because he had such a hard time keeping it in his mouth. If he wasn't sucking, it was popping out. So when the people over at PaciPlushies contacted us about reviewing one of their pacifier attachments, I was immediately curious to see if it would help him bond with his binky.

PaciPlushies are little stuffed animals (about five inches long) that attach to your babies binky through a silicon loop. They are the ultimate soother, as they combine "lovey" with "paci". They are offered in a variety of animals (we chose Lovey the Lamb) and are super soft and adorable.

AND guess what?

H actually used the pacifier more with the plushie attached because holding it and propping it up on his arm held it in place! There was even a few times that the paci would plop out and H would put it back in his own mouth, because he was trying to get the actual lamb up to his face.

It was incredibly cute watching Henry hug the lamb, something he doesn't do very easily with his other stuffed animals. I think the way the Plushie falls on their chest encourages babies to touch and hold the soft bodied lovey. The cute little animals are about five inches long, just the right size for a baby and younger toddler. I probably wouldn't put H to bed with the Plushie attached, but that's only because I'm super cautious about anything potentially suffocating him.

Another great thing about the PaciPlushie was that it made finding the pacifier so much easier. I'm sure you've all been there: You're running late for something and suddenly can't find the pacifier ANYWHERE. Or, you get to the restaurant before realizing that you left the paci in the pocket of a sweater you wore the day before. With a larger stuffed animal clipped onto it, it's pretty hard to loose.

I'd imagine that weaning your child from the binky would be easier with a Plushie as well, because you could treat it more like a stuffed animal that can only be snuggled with at night. You could tell your child that they can't take their stuffed animal to school or out and about because it might get dirty or lost.

The other day as I was running late for work, G said, "You need a PaciPlushie for your KEYS!"

paciplushies-paisley-the-panda.product by you.

Stacy over at PaciPlushies not only sent us a Lovey the Lamb to review, but kindly sent us an additional Plushie for one of our lucky readers! We are so excited to be able to send cute little Paisley the Panda to one of your homes!

Here are the ways you can enter:

Mandatory entry: Visit PaciPlushies website and leave a comment telling me which furry friend you think is the cutest! (Please make sure you leave someway for me to contact you if you don't have a blog)

Additional entries (leave a seperate comment for each):

1. Become a fan of PaciPlushies on FaceBook and leave a comment telling me that you did.

2. Follow my blog publicly (or tell me that you already do)

3. Vote for my blog by clicking the brown TopBaby button below (you can vote once per day and leave a comment every day you vote!)

If you do all three you would be leaving a total of FOUR comments below (and then one extra for everyday you vote for us!)

We will pick a winner on Friday, April 30th at midnight (Eastern Time).

*Contest only open to US and Canada.

Good luck everybody!

Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs


  1. My favorite plushie is the panda! We've already gotten Sylvie so much panda themed stuff, that this would fit in perfectly!

  2. Also, I don't know if this counts as following, but I have you publicly listed in my blogroll, on the sidebar of my blog.

  3. I love the Panda! It was really hard to choose

  4. i voted again today! i just hopped over to page 2 of topbabyblogs and noticed we're neighbors now!

  5. cute! id choose the cat one, my daughter is obsessed with them!

  6. I voted for you again today! I like being neighbors. :)

  7. I voted again today! Can you tell I want this panda?

  8. I'm down with the lamb!

  9. Hey guess what? I voted again today!

  10. Voted today. SHOW ME THE PANDA!

  11. I have you in my blog-roll. Does that count as following publicly?

  12. So cute! I like Lovie the Lamb. Bresho loves his paci for sleeping so this would be a really cool thing to have. Thanks!


  14. I've never entered for a win but how could I pass this by?? They're all so cute but I'd say the lamb or the panda are the cutest.

  15. OK became a fan of them on FB. Or, actually, I couldn't become a fan - there wasn't that option, but I did "like" them.

  16. I don't see a TopBaby brown button to vote for you...

  17. yay, i voted for you now that i see the button (doesnt show up on mozilla)
