Henry is ten months. Henry is still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day. I told myself we'd go until he was a year and it's really hard for me to believe that time is almost here. I've considered breastfeeding him past a year but honestly I feel like I'm hardly making any milk these days and when Henry does eat it's like the biggest freaking struggle just to get him to pay attention. Also, I'm honestly feeling kind of done with the whole thing too, please no comments about how breast is best because I KNOW.
I'm not sure how the whole "weaning process" works but I think he's starting to slowly wean himself. He really only wants to nurse when he's tired because hello! my boobs are like the ultimate pacifier for him. I told my sister that they should make a silicone paci for babies that's a personal mold of your boob. Then the babies who won't take plastic pacis won't have to be attached to their moms 24/7. My sister said that she wouldn't really want her baby sucking on a big plastic mold of her boob in front of strangers and hmmm. that's a pretty good point, I guess.
Anyway, two months ago I bought a can of formula for the first time. Not to replace breastfeeding altogether but to give me some space and time away from Hen whenever I needed it. He hates the way it tastes and refuses to drink it but it's still awesome knowing that at anytime I could leave him with his dad and run away forever for a few hours. I figure if he's hungry enough, he'll drink it. Recently we gave him some soy formula and for some reason he kind of likes that kind. I'll make him a few ounces if we're running late for work in the morning and he didn't get to breastfeed. I'll make him a bottle to distract him while we're jogging. I'll give him some with a side of YoGabbaGabba and enjoy a few minutes of peace.
I know pumping for his bottles would be best but omg SO MUCH WORK! I can't believe that for the first 5 months I would nurse him and then pump for an additional 15 minutes. Every time. Did I used to have like an abundance of time and patience and if so, where the heck did it all go? I had our freezer stocked full of milk (Garrison = disgusted) but we didn't even go through half of it because when Henry was teeny tiny I couldn't even think about leaving him with someone we didn't know for any amount of time. All that expired milk is still in our freezer too because I worked freaking hard for that supply and I can't bare the thought of just throwing it all in the trash.