Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trunk-or-Treat (or Halloween Round 1)

I know, I know, it's almost Thanksgiving and I'm just now getting these pictures up. In my defense, school has been keeping me busy....ish. Actually, being honest, I blame The Walking Dead for my lack of posting. Can't. stop. watching. 

Halloween was really fun this year, probably one of my favorites because Henry was really into everything. He really got it this year! In fact, he's still talking about Halloween costume ideas and nights when he's going to go trick-or-treating again. Sorry that you can't understand time, kid. A year is a long time away. We did a ton of Halloween related activities this year, including the local Trunk-or-Treat at the YMCA and we're still eating our way through all of the candy our cute little puppy brought home. We're at that stage where all of the Reeses and Crunch Bars are gone and all that's left is the gross stuff like DumDums and Smarties. Maybe Pinterest has some craft you can make out of Starbursts or a way to clean your dirty pans with Sweet Tarts?!

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