Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hullabalu Review

I was pretty stoked when Hullabalu contacted me about reviewing one of their stuffed animals. Henry is kind of a freakazoid when it comes to stuffed animals. Like, make them talk/carry them around and tell everyone he's the "mama" kind of freak. With that being said, he's still pretty picky about the ones that get to stick around. Not everyone makes the cut (sorry Bat Beanie Baby circa 1999, I guess I was the only one who thought you ruled). 

If you haven't seen the Hullablu cuteness yet, you should! Their animals are awesome, with big eyes and super soft fur. There's a ton of creatures to choose from so obviously there's something for every kid (Henry fell in love with a dragon before choosing a bushy tailed fox). If anything, go to their site just to ohhhh and awww over the layout. CUTE. 

Hullabalu sent us a fox named Nigel and for Henry it was love at first sight. I'm being totally honest with y'all, seriously if a product sucked or didn't go well over here, I would tell you. BUT HENRY DOESN'T LET THIS FOX OUT OF HIS SIGHT. Lucky for Nigel he's seen every part of Savannah. Not so lucky for Nigel? He has to sleep with a sweaty kid who drools/pees all over him every night. But he's loved. So loved. So I'm sure he doesn't care.

Hullabalu is a new company. They're working on an interactive iPad app that will feature your child's animal in an animated story. I think that's pretty cool. They've given me a personal referral link so that you can check them out too. Here's the code:

You can access their website by clicking the button on the right side of my blog or visit their Facebook page here:

And now....Henry and Nigel:

Nigel slides, Daddy bikes!

Thanks for the new friend, Hullabalu! 

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