Tuesday, May 24, 2011


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Saturday morning Garrison got Henry out of his crib and brought him into our room for a bottle of milk and a family snuggle. Nearly impossible to get snuggles out of this kid these days but he drank an entire bottle laying on my chest in silence. Heaven! After our epic sleep-in we went out to breakfast and Henry ate a whole slice of my french toast and some of Garrison's waffle...who is this baby?!

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We met our friends at the beach and spent three hours chasing Henry away from the ocean, drinking sweet tea, and watching the dolphins. Henry fell asleep in the car before we even left for the beach so he was all napped up and in an awesome mood by the time we got there. I know, I know...he's facing forward. I nanny two other kids so his new car seat won't fit backwards. We're working on a solution, so please no comments (and if you can face your babies backwards!!!)

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Sun tanning with a baby takes skill. Instead of flipping yourself over every thirty minutes or whatever, you focus more on repositioning the 23 lbs sitting on top of you. Also, my stomach is a snack plate now?

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mom, my diaper got this full as soon as i went in the water!

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this. full!

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Henry drove his first car-grocery cart ever after our trip to the beach. He kept saying, "Chooo-choo"and then "Whoooo-whoooooo-bommmp-bommmp" because he didn't want to decide whether it was a train or a fire truck. Piggly Wiggly, I'll take cash or check as payment for thoroughly cleaning your grocery cart.

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We had a BBQ in the front yard and listened to music while Henry blew bubbles and ate a bunch of chalk. It's crazy to me that it's already 95 degrees and muggy. It's really supposed to get hotter than this?

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thanks for the curls, dad!

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henry, where are you?

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