Monday, May 23, 2011

Mt. Stroller Box & Darling Lark


So it looks like we can't leave Henry to play by himself now. I was in the kitchen for like what, five minutes? and he learns to climb onto the bed and then onto the giant box?! Slow down kid, you move too fast!

who me?

See the framed drawing in the corner of Henry's room? It was made for him by one of our sponsors and my good blog friend Sara (blog: sara without an h) when he was just a newbie. When we were still using Henry's changing table I would stare at this for minutes. There's so much happy detail and bright colors and Henry has always loved it just as much as we do.

henry drawing

Go and check out Sara's Etsy shop, Darling Lark and tell me that her drawings aren't the cutest. I dare you!

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