Monday, May 30, 2011

Piano Man









He'll do weddings and baby showers in exchange for suckers (uh, grape please!)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

okay henry, now it's my turn to cry


There's a whole lot of new happening around here and it's all happening so fast, I'm not sure I'll be ready! Change #1: We signed the lease on a new place (four blocks away) and we start moving in June 1st.

The realization that we're leaving so soon has had me in a funk for days. I don't want to say goodbye to this little house that we've spent the first year of Henry's life in. I'm not ready to leave behind the sink he took his first bath in or the chipped window paint I spent hours memorizing as I snuggled him into my breasts at three in the morning.


Leaving this house is forcing me to realize that he's growing up so fast and for the first time ever I'm noticing that my little baby isn't so much a little baby anymore. It's breaking my heart that so many days slipped right between my fingers and there is nothing I can do to ever get them back. How did that happen?

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I've never been good with change. I constantly crave it but when it finally happens I have the hardest time saying goodbye. Becoming a mom makes this ten times worse because practically everything you touch becomes a cherished memory. I wish I could be more like Garrison who fully realizes that memories aren't made of painted walls, hard wood floors, and tiny sinks. Then maybe I wouldn't be such a sad, sappy mess right now?


(and then my little sisters make me something like this and all hope of me ever being emotionally cool goes out the window...)

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Ice Cream

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It's HOT. Even with the air conditioning running full time I still feel sticky and warm. Naturally, eating ice cream bars on the porch is the best solution and Henry couldn't agree more.

Ice cream all over his belly, smeared across the chair and dripping onto the floor, gelling his hair better than a bottle of L.A. LOOKS...he had a blast.

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Picnik collage

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summoning the ice cream gods

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Silly Little Rhyme

free graphic for myspace

Munch, munch, munch!
Henry Horse is having lunch.
If Henry Horse were more polite,
he would eat with his mouth shut tight!

- Grandpa & Grandma Marr

(who used to say this to garrison when he was little!)

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


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Saturday morning Garrison got Henry out of his crib and brought him into our room for a bottle of milk and a family snuggle. Nearly impossible to get snuggles out of this kid these days but he drank an entire bottle laying on my chest in silence. Heaven! After our epic sleep-in we went out to breakfast and Henry ate a whole slice of my french toast and some of Garrison's waffle...who is this baby?!

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We met our friends at the beach and spent three hours chasing Henry away from the ocean, drinking sweet tea, and watching the dolphins. Henry fell asleep in the car before we even left for the beach so he was all napped up and in an awesome mood by the time we got there. I know, I know...he's facing forward. I nanny two other kids so his new car seat won't fit backwards. We're working on a solution, so please no comments (and if you can face your babies backwards!!!)

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Sun tanning with a baby takes skill. Instead of flipping yourself over every thirty minutes or whatever, you focus more on repositioning the 23 lbs sitting on top of you. Also, my stomach is a snack plate now?

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mom, my diaper got this full as soon as i went in the water!

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this. full!

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Henry drove his first car-grocery cart ever after our trip to the beach. He kept saying, "Chooo-choo"and then "Whoooo-whoooooo-bommmp-bommmp" because he didn't want to decide whether it was a train or a fire truck. Piggly Wiggly, I'll take cash or check as payment for thoroughly cleaning your grocery cart.

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We had a BBQ in the front yard and listened to music while Henry blew bubbles and ate a bunch of chalk. It's crazy to me that it's already 95 degrees and muggy. It's really supposed to get hotter than this?

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thanks for the curls, dad!

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henry, where are you?

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Mt. Stroller Box & Darling Lark


So it looks like we can't leave Henry to play by himself now. I was in the kitchen for like what, five minutes? and he learns to climb onto the bed and then onto the giant box?! Slow down kid, you move too fast!

who me?

See the framed drawing in the corner of Henry's room? It was made for him by one of our sponsors and my good blog friend Sara (blog: sara without an h) when he was just a newbie. When we were still using Henry's changing table I would stare at this for minutes. There's so much happy detail and bright colors and Henry has always loved it just as much as we do.

henry drawing

Go and check out Sara's Etsy shop, Darling Lark and tell me that her drawings aren't the cutest. I dare you!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Southern Baby


As Pacific Northwest as Garrison and I remain, Henry is 100% southern baby. He's even started saying, "Baaaiii" instead of "bye" and I think we're just a week or two away from getting a "Baaiii ya'll" as we're headed out the door.




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Today we went to the farmer's market and came back with a bunch of fresh strawberries and blackberries. We ate almost all of the blackberries on the porch and shared a Horizon chocolate milk together in the 93 degree weather.

I loved the newborn stage but we're having so much fun with 16 month old Henry. It definitely comes with it's own challenges but he can just do so much more now and interact with us too...this summer is going to rule.

Hope ya'll all having a great weekend!

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