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Friday, April 8, 2011

Henry Gets What Henry Wants.

henryone 062

I didn't think preferences started at such an early age but apparently they do? Example: Henry refuses to wear these Sesame Street socks matching. He threw us a nasty FIT when I tried putting two Elmo socks on his feet and only calmed down after we had Cookie on his right foot and Elmo on his left. Every day he wants these socks but this is the only way he'll wear them.

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Tales of a young mamma said...

haha adorable! Isn't it so funny how they get such strong personalities so early on?

alliehallmarr said...

it's so crazy to me. he also picks the marshmallows out of the cereal and throws the rest on the floor. how do they learn this stuff? it's pretty scary!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said...

Oh, I love that! Funny babies.

alliehallmarr said...

thanks chelsey, me too actually. a quirky baby keeps you on your toes!

Unknown said...

haha at least he knows what he wants!

random fact; henry's birthday is the day after mine :)


alliehallmarr said...

i didn't know that! that's really cool. he totally knows what he wants...we just need to work on the communication part! haha.

toria said...

this is so cute. i didnt know things like that happened at such a young age either... things to look forward to eh lol.

deanna@delirious-rhapsody said...

yep. they start young! we had to buy two of the same shirt when gage was that age, because it was the only one he wanted to wear.

Moments and Impressions said...

at least you figured out his preference! It is really cute though... and those socks are adorable! My daughter loves Sesame Street.

Summer said...

Wow! I like his style!

Jessie C said...

Haha. So cute!

tia said...

I love that his socks are different- that's how my munchkins are <3 and that's one of there more memorized books <3

I'm your newest follower, I love your blog.


Victoria said...

hahahaha that's so funny! I always wonder why kids have preferences like that... or when they get them. haha at least it's a small thing... for now anyway!

Unknown said...

I think this means he is awesome. :)

Lil Muse Lily said...

he is a funny little man. he knows what he likes. good for him. Lily is picky with her tunes, if she doesn't like what she's hearing, she shakes her head "no" until you put on something that suits her. are you kidding me?

Kim said...

LOL that's adorable. My boys dress themselves and never match.

I love the Very Hungry Caterpillar by the way! For LL's 1st birthday I made her a caterpillar cake and she dressed as a butterfly.

Bonnie @ This Young Mama said...

Lex love's his sesame street socks, he's worn out the oscar ones since he wears them so much.

When lex spills something on himself he gets really angry and takes off his clothes. He runs over to his closet and brings me a clean clothes so I can change him. Kids are so funny

Adeline's Daddy said...

He needs one Burt and one Ernie, it's non matching... but at the same time a pair.

Unknown said...

That's so funny! I think Niall has some really weird preferences like this, too-- because I'm having A LOT of trouble figuring out why he's getting so frustrated at times. And it's probably something so simple, like wanting to wear a different bib :)

Melinda said...

I wore odd socks until I was 12 lol.
On another note, we have The Very Hungry Caterpillar book too. I must admit that I probably enjoy reading it more than my 20 month old does!

Anonymous said...

So cute! My daughter is 7 months old and already has a personality. So amazing how they are this little person who has things they like and dislike. Too cute!!

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