Friday, February 18, 2011

this is what a sick henry looks like...

My poor Henry! The fever started yesterday. 102.5 under arm but he's handling it like a champ, eating his weight in graham crackers and toddling around naked. Lucky for us it's a three day weekend and also supposed to be in the 70s all week.

One thing I've learned since becoming a mom is that none of your plans are ever set in stone. Go ahead and plan a trip downtown and a BBQ dinner but just a half hour's time could find you curled up on the bed with Fresh Market take out and some YouTubed Gabba Gabba. And you know what? That's pretty okay too.

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  1. soooooooooooo true. poor henry. i think wyatt might have given it to him via blogger.

  2. poor henry! i know that nothing makes me feel better than yo gabba gabba and graham crackers!

  3. Poor Henry! Glad he is eating and toddling around. Sounds like a good weekend to lay around and take it easy. And seriously, DJ Lance is awesome company.

  4. aww, everyone i know seems to have a fever of some sort lately! i hope he gets better soon, and i agree a night in with good food and youtube's ginormous amount of randomness sounds nice. i kinda wish i had a baby to cuddle up with though! :)

  5. Poor baby. I'm sad for sick Henry. He's still way cute.

  6. his face! SO SAD :'(

    i hope he gets well soon!

  7. i swear they are all sick right now. Lily, Wyatt, Henry. what the????
    we were supposed to have gone away this weekend but, i spent the day with Lily on top of me watching tv instead. hate when she is sick, hope these molars come in soon.

  8. Awe, poor baby! =( Your a good mama.

  9. February is officially sick month! Asia has been sick since February 1st. She's on her second cold now, first one was an ear infection. GAH.

    Hopefully Henry feels better soon!

  10. Poor little guy. :( I hope he gets better soon!

  11. Oh man.. He looks a lot like Stevie as a baby in these pictures! Poor Henry.. I hope he feels better.
    Love you.

  12. ohhh poor Henry! I'm glad you two still had a good day! I hope he gets better soon!

  13. i hope you guys are all feeling better, also, yo gabba gabba is the only show that will entertain ellie:)
