Wednesday, February 16, 2011


SO happy the sun is out! We've been playing on the porch for the last half hour, just waiting for Garrison to get home so that we can eat the spicy chicken jambalaya and artisan bread that's been cooking in the kitchen. Henry's napping now but I guess I should go wake him up so that he'll like, actually sleep tonight or something.... Besides, I'm making snicker doodle cookies and I wouldn't want him to miss some tasty batter (egg free).

Happy Wednesday dudes!

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  1. oh my he is looking soo big lately! I love his little sweater.

  2. Yay for the porch! And look at Henry's teefers! Have a super supper. Also, please tell me where you got that awesome horse-in-overalls.

  3. Sounds like an awesome day! I love snicker doodles!.... can you send some to me?? :)

  4. He is so cuuute!! I love his sweater! Your pictures really capture a little personality. I'm SO glad I found your blog :)

  5. that sweater is too cute, and of course so is he<3 xoxo

  6. Bring on the spring! Can't wait for porch days. These next few days are supposed to be mid 60s for us, so we'll finally be coming out of hibernation :)

  7. yum, (vegan) snickerdoodles are my favorite!

  8. Man i've missed heaps (since being away) is he walking? I must have missed this too.
    Love the V day photos adorable!

  9. He is the cutest little guy ever!

  10. that sweater? kills me. little mr. rogers. yay for being outside and enjoying the weather! we took 2 walks yesterday to really take it all in. it was awesome. xo!

  11. I love that stuffed animal.
    also... our kids should date.

  12. am i lame-brain? when did H start walking? also? that little man-sweater is killing me softly.
