Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's Up, Chuck?

The thing about babies is the bigger they get, the bigger all their gross stuff gets.

This is what it's really like to be a mom some days. Showering an extra time to wash off the crusted puke that's cemented to your skin and washing an extra load of laundry because your bra cups are filled to the brim with vomit BUT still aching to cuddle your little, miserable sicky until they are fast asleep.

Poor sick Henry! Booooo!

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  1. o.m.g. this is equally gross and hilarious! the joys of mommyhood!!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I have never experienced that much vomit since Logan's been born. He definitely isn't a puker... Thank God!! That's not to say in the future I won't, but at least I haven't yet.

    I hope you got all cleaned up from the puking incident and that Henry is all bundled and feeling better. Lots of pedialyte and lots a lovins.

  3. I am in shock that you are smiling in this picture. I totally would have puked myself. You are a very brave woman with a stomach of steel. I admire your mothering skills. Great picture!!! And, by the way, this is a great blackmail photo for when little Henry gets older. I'm sure the future girlfriends will LOVE it!


  4. Aww, I can definitely connect with your post, hopefully you stay clear of the baby yuck-iness for a while! :)

  5. OMG! I cringed when I saw this. I'm sooo sorry the little guy is so sick! Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

  6. I love that you are still 'all smiles"!!!
    Hope he gets better sooooooooon

  7. This is both hilarious and disgusting.

  8. awwww...poor henry! my three and a half year old threw up for the first time last month (aside from typical baby spit up.) he had NO idea what was going on. he kept saying, "i feel like i'm about to overflow!" hah!

  9. Poor bubby!
    Hope he feels better soon!

  10. Oh dear! I'm so sorry, both for you and for Henry. I hope he gets feeling better soon!

  11. Obviously an awesome mom...covered in puke and still smiling. Kudos!

  12. Oh... that's sad... And, very gross. Poor Henry. And Allie. :)

  13. oh. my. gosh. that is a LOT of puke!! poor henry, and poor mommy, too! eeek! mommyhood isn't so glamorous sometimes, but i wouldn't trade it for the world! :)

  14. just found your blog...love it! your pictures and little one are adorable :)


  15. So gross and so sweet at the same time! Poor sick Henry. I hope he feels better soon!

  16. oh no! my henry was sick with some wretched, 24-hour virus that had him puking his face off for a full 24 hours. oh, it was so sad and awful and disgusting all at once. i hope he feels better VERY soon! and you look pretty gorgeous for having just been puked on in that picture!

  17. oh dear gracious. that is horrible. I have been in the exact same situation though! you handled it like a pro

  18. that is a great picture of mommy hood... smiling through the nasty

  19. oh Allie, you're so awesome. and poor Henry :(
    and I've SO been there! a couple times this week - yucktastic. in total agreement about the cuddling though! no matter how much I get puked on, I still love having my baby girl close!!!! (so good that parenting works like that!)

  20. I have to say - you wear it well!

  21. I have to say that honestly, if that were me, I am almost 100% positive that our facial expressions would be exactly opposite. That is just how my life is. hahahaha
    Way to take it like a champ!
