Monday, January 17, 2011


On Friday we decided we needed to escape for a couple of days and headed south to Florida last minute. Last weekend was....weird. Like, we had a ton of stuff to keep us occupied but we both just sat around in a complete funk, bored for the first time since Henry's birth. Garrison bought a new amp and needed to pick it up in Jacksonville anyway so we booked a hotel and just left everything for the weekend.

It was awesome spending time together as a family in a new environment with nothing better to do than swim in the pool and watch SO MUCH cable, eat tonnnns of junk (seriously guys. i ate HALF OF A PIZZA. wth?!), and just enjoy being lazy.

Family hotel awesome vacay = success!

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  1. random spur the moment trip out of town is totally on my to do list. i'm longing for that feeling of freedom that was SO abundant before our daughter. :/ Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend.

  2. Love all the pictures!!

    My favourite has to be the soap and the busted shot, hilarious!!
    It's nice just to be spontaneous every once in a while, impressive with a little one in tow.

    Is the social network any good, it's on my list of things to watch if I ever get a spare couple of hours!!


  3. Looks like lots of fun! Well, except the sick part. :)

  4. oh i LOVE the "busted" shot... can he get in cuter? hehe

  5. Looks like you had a good time! I wish I was close enough to Florida to take a quick trip there! So glad you were able to! A break is needed once in awhile!

  6. yay! road trips are so fun. and so are hotel stays.

  7. Allie these are some of the greatest pictures ever!! I especially like first one of you. Your eyes really stand out amazingly in this one! You are incredibly beautiful!!!!!
