Saturday, November 13, 2010


enjoying aunt lisa's handmade lemonade at the farmer's market

We're having such a nice time with family, I'm sad that it all ends tomorrow and life resumes its normal pace. This weekend I'm loving: watching Henry meet new family members, cable tv, having tons of help with Henry, hotel breakfasts and the best BBQ, learning more about Garrison's side of the family, letters from Paige, and falling even more in love with my mother in law. Hope all of your weekends are wonderful as well.


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  1. I'm so very glad I'm not the only one who actually likes their mother in law! :) Henry is too darn cute with those big blue eyes!

  2. sounds like such a marvelous time! I absolutely love to go to farmer's markets

  3. family is awesome! i'm sad i had to leave mine behind. glad you are having a wonderful time.

  4. I am so crazily honored to have =made this list.
    Henry is getting so BIG. i can't even believe it.

  5. family time is always fun! glad your little man got to meet everyone. xo
