Tuesday, November 16, 2010

florida in pictures

great pap pap marr

henry sized chair

grandma zoe

great pap pap, grandma zoe, and second cousin stefanie

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  1. How cute is he?! He seriously just seems to be getting cuter and cuter... I can hardly handle it.

  2. These are all so great! I love "my mom is not funny"
    It's funny, because you are. hahah

  3. I love all of these photos!!! Especially the one in that cute little chair. And that last one of him with his "new friends".
    Looks like you guys had so much fun!

  4. I've followed for your blog for a while now and I really can't tell you how absolutely obscenely precious your child is. Henry is seriously the good-lookinest baby I have ever looked at and as far as babies go, that's pretty huge (even the ugly ones are cute, come on). The world is robbed and they don't even know it because there are literally no other babies in the world as gorgeous as Henry. He needs to be on billboards.

  5. i just LOVE these allie. seriously. your family looks cool and i'm glad you had such a good time.

  6. i love where he's sleeping and the remote is RIGHT there. too cute!!

  7. i LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of henry and his "new friends"... too cute!

  8. beyonnnnddddd adorable! I love it! You always document everything soo perfectly!

  9. Allie! These are the best! I can't pick out a favorite, they are all too fabulous. You guys look so happy and relaxed. Lucky Pig indeed!

  10. great pics Allie! I bet Steph is going to love the one of her and Henry. So cute!!!

  11. looks like a great time. glad you guys got some "baby-free" time too :)

  12. Your hubs reminds me of someone famous but I can't figure out who.

  13. Where is FL is Garrison's family? Looks great- and warm!

    "My Mom is not funny" is an especially great photograph. If you lived in New Orleans, you would put that on a t-shirt.

  14. that last photo is seriously amazing. but they are all beautiful. looks like a happy trip! love your wonderful family!!!

  15. Love that picture of Henry asleep on the bed with the remote by him-isn't that just likle a man??!! Jackie who commented on your blog is now my newest favoritesh person in the whole world because she totally gets what I've been sayin'! Henry is the cutest baby genius EVER!!!
    -Gma Hall

  16. you are so funny. you totally crack me up. LOL
    love the pic of Henry sleeping with the remote control and the one of him crying because you are not funny. lol

    looks like you are having a great time.

  17. I'm glad you had tons of fun with your family! That great Allie! I bet Henry had tons of fun too!

    Much love!

  18. SO weird SO G has that SAME black monkey toy (which she loves to make do ninja tricks) AND her fave onesie is that blue mommy and me one with the Giraffe. Our kids are officially soul mates.

  19. Your baby just might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Seriously.
