Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Fair!

Pictures in the parking lot, woot! Look how bundled up he is, the south has really turned us into complete weather wimps.

I totally won Henry the crappiest looking penguin at this balloon dart game.

He was in love with these fake chickens and spent a ton of time trying to eat their beaks...

He was pissed that he couldn't grab that egg because of his new gloves...

Um spray painted tshirts, car mats, hats, car hoods, you name it. Their sign said, "If it can sit still long enough, we can paint on it..."

He loved these little chicks the best. This little one kept coming up and pecking the glass right by his face. Henry would have been leaving with a new pet if these things didn't grow up to be so ugly and disgusting.

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  1. Aww! Great photos! :)

    Henry is such a little cutie. Oh, and I chicks are so adorable, but adult chickens make me want to throw up! haha.

    Have a great Sunday! <3

  2. What a cute little family! And you're right, chicks are so cute... Until they grow up! Looks like you guys had a good time at the fair.

  3. OMG, I love this so much! Way to go Mama for winning a carnival game! The pictures are awesome, feels like I was there. Too cute.

  4. these are all so great! i'm glad you guys had fun. i'm a total winter wimp this year too. i think it's because i have a baby to worry about. any slight chill i freak out over.

  5. Oh my gosh, Allie. I LOVE all of these pictures. So sweet--and you look BEAUTIFUL!

  6. so many cute pictures! looks like a great time. henry looks so proud of his penguin, you & your hubby are so cute, & chicks are so cute :)

  7. Haha! I love his hat!

    I swear, Allie.. you guys are the cutest family I "know".


  8. haha! I love the "chicken butt" part, looks like a good time!

  9. So fun!! I loved little chicks when I was 4 or 5. I would actually sneak them in my pockets and hope my mom wouldn't notice (this was at our farm). Obviously, I could never pull it off (she had a chick-radar or something).
    Anyway, thanks for the bday wishes!!

  10. Loving all the photos! So cute. I always bundle Ruari up to the extreme...

    Guess what? Chicken butt.

  11. allie, you and garrison are absolutely adorable!

  12. you always take the funnest pictures! i love all these! looks like you all had a great time and mad props on your carnival game winnin' skillz yo!

  13. ok.. henry is starting to look so big! make him stop growing :)

  14. i want to go to the fair!!!! love the photos. you 3 are so cute!
