Monday, November 8, 2010


The BRAT diet is freaking awesome because for a few days I don't have to plan Henry's meals or worry about whether he's already eaten green beans, or pineapple, or yogurt, etc. I so wish all of his meal plans were as simple as bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.

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  1. lol, we had our first blowout the other day in months! I certainly don't miss it!

  2. uh, wyatt is STILL on the BRAT diet.

  3. Oh what a poop!!!

    What is the BRAT Diet, never heard of it. I guess I better go google it!

  4. I definitely dont miss the poop up the back days....hang in there momma!

  5. that is too funny! and you look adorable considering that henry just pooped all over himself :)

  6. it doesn't get better! boys are pooping machines. my son always manages to do it when they are in the bath, ugh!!

  7. thanks ashley and melissa! and i'm glad others can totally relate to this situation as well. although erin, i can't say henry has pooped in the bathtub yet. YET. i know our day is coming.

    jess, henry loves the brat diet. he'd be on it forever if i let him. sweet tasting things and toast? hell yeah, right?

    oh and BRAT diet = B-ananas, R-ice, A-pplesauce, and T-oast as well as other pretty bland tasting foods until he's a little more on the constipated side and his poop stops running up his back and out his shorts...

  8. Oh, yes. Well... even with Ruari's poo getting a little more solid: it still finds it's way out!!! Like tonight.

    Here's 2 poo posts for you!

    You're welcome. :D

  9. hmmm, i'll have to find out more about this BRAT diet. ANYTHING to help the blow outs subside! all parker's onsies have yellow stains up the back. GROSS.

  10. I've done the BRAT diet (over here in Australia it's Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast). It's really good if you've just had gastro.
