Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Moon

After some serious Ferberizing and like, three hours of sleep last night, I think my version of Goodnight Moon is a little more realistic....

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  1. May I get an autographed copy of this "based on a true story" masterpiece? This is the only parenting guide that anyone needs. :)

  2. ohmydear! :) it's the wine bottle that really sends it over the top for me. LOVE!!

  3. bahahhahahha this is hilarious! I mean totally sucks for you, but awesome creativity!!!

  4. hahaha! too funny. sorry your first night didn't go too well...better luck tonight! xoxo

  5. hahahaha, hope it's goodnight moon for you tonight girl!

  6. I didn't really like this book until now! I love this.

  7. I just found your blog and this was the first entry. What a winner! This is way too cute and I know exactly how you son never wants to sleep these days!

  8. So sorry! Hope you´re in for some proper sleep soon!
    Saw the moon with astonishment on the way home tonight and thought, gah, again?!

    Where is my bottle of wine? ;-)

  9. you are too funny. you seriously crack me up. LOL

  10. hahahha. this is so funny!
    you're precious.

  11. bahahaha... totally agree with 'her mom' -- it's the wine bottle that hits home! voted for you and henry =) --- hope you get more than 3 hrs. tonight. sending telepathic messages: "sleep, henry, sleep".

  12. Mommy and Daddy need to go out on a date I think..and have some me/us time!

  13. This is so funny! ...and so not funny at the same time:/ haha

  14. ha ha ha!

    I def. remember those nights! :)

    Not funny at the moment..

    but totally funny a few years from now! I promise!

  15. the kitties that want to run away! ahahahahahahahaha! this is hilarious! i love heidi's comment too. {per usual!} sorry things are rough in the sleep depo right now.

  16. How is it possible you can get no sleep and then still be totally creative and funny? That is something!

    Thanks for your willingness to share mommahood as it really is!! I'm six weeks in. What a treat/trip!
