Thursday, October 21, 2010

Henry's Fort

hey! what the heck?

oh! this is what they call a "fort"?

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  1. oh my goodness. i seriously love you guys! when are you coming back to washington!??!?!

  2. Ha! I saw the title in my reader and I thought it said, "Henry's Fart". I had to check it out.

    The forts pretty awesome too. :D

  3. oh man, forts are my fave. do i have to wait until parker's into them, or can i just make myself one & pretend it's for him?

  4. You all are the cutest, I swear.

  5. allie, your comment made my day. i'm so glad i was able to be be of help darling... AND i have absolutely love each and every minute of following your blog and watching henry grow up. I almost feel like we know each other already hehe. have a marvelous day!

  6. you get the best pictures of him!!! what camera do you use?? we are shopping for one

  7. i just want to give him (and you!) a big ol' hug!
    you're so adorable!


  8. cute blog!! Just voted for you. Can't wait to read more

  9. He is such a hunk! I just love that smile!

  10. Hehe cute smile. Love it. He looks like a little explorer

  11. he looks so much like your husband in that second picture! it's crazy!

  12. Cute! I got the blocks from a shop in Australia called MINE, You should be able to find them online at most kids shops we painted ours red.
    Love you edit of Goodnight Moon. We are on our 3rd night of some sleep training the first night is always the worst try to hang in there.

  13. The second pic is soooo classically sweet!!!

  14. Such a sweet puddin, love his heart!

  15. he's such a cutie!! lily hates that. lol. she seriously hates being covered.

    thanks for the sweet message. ;)

  16. Ah man! I just want to hug him and squeeze him right now!! Christmas needs to hurry up and get here already so I can see you guys!!

  17. love his expression in the first image & how quickly he caught on by the second, all boy!
