Friday, October 1, 2010

NEW Buttons (or: allie finally gets her act together!)

I know the last button for It's a Wonderful Life is a weird shape and I swear I have been at least thinking about fixing that for some time now. Oddly enough playing with my baby and doing things (like non internet-y things) seemed like way more fun than messing with html and that annoying "Adobe wants to install..." Picnik pop-up (I'm not the only one who gets that...right??)

WELL. I finally got around to making a few new buttons, so please feel free to replace that wacky rectangle with one of these brighter, more manageable ones (the code to copy is on the right side bar and the striped legs picture isn't as fuzzy in a smaller size)...

On a related note, I also haven't updated our "Blogs we Love" page in forever. I'll be adding more buttons soon. Wow, oh wow am I lazy!


  1. please do not be weirded out when u come to my blog and see both of these because i just can not chose!

  2. Allie! I just created my very first button! Would you, could you grab it? :)

  3. Took the second, it´s sooo cute :-)
    Heck, you´re the only one!
