Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's a Mama and Henry day...

This morning Garrison invited us to this event he was volunteering for but we accidentally showed up a twenty minutes late. By the time we got there, everyone was already sitting down in organized groups ready to go. When we walked in, an entire gym full of people turned and looked at as awkwardly standing there all like, "Oh hey guys...I'm a half hour late and my baby is climbing up my dress and pulling at my boobs and tearing out my headband hair."

Hello, embarrassing. Nice to meet you.

So H man and I left and went to some garage sales instead.

I found some awesome fabrics and some adorable shoes for Henry. A man thought he was so cute that he gave him a purple pirate flag for free. Go Hen! Next time can you flirt a little more and get me something rad too?

Now we're home, snuggled up in bed together. Henry is napping and I'm looking forward to a whole day with my little guy.

Weekends. are. awesome. Huh?

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  1. you're the cutest in the whole wide world! love that picture of u! so glad you and hen {i like that nickname!) are having a good day. and sorry for the holy awkward moment!
    i on the other hand am about to have a baby-less day (ok, its only like four hours but STILL!) to take pictures of my niece for homecoming and help her get ready!
    weekends rock!

  2. You look so beautiful in this photo!!

    At least you have somebody to chill with every day right? :) Haha... garage sales are also on my to-do list.. now that I'm a poor college student.

  3. i love garage sales! unfortunately, we didn't make it out to many this year. i need to figure out a better way of transporting baby in and out of the car at each stop so that i don't have to carry him around in his car seat all day/make him mad by removing him and putting him back in his car seat all day.

  4. I love that picture! Sounds like you two are having a fun day! I like your new buttons!

  5. you are so cute! weekends are awesome! Will just took Lily out for a while. it's so nice to have the place to myself.

  6. Dont worry...the rest of us are late too!! You will be for the rest of your life. We just set the clocks 5 mins ahead because my 5 year old was alwasy late for school and we live across the street!
    Love your blog, have been following for a while...
    Check out our new clothing company, you might have to get Henry a Bambino Zip!!
    Thanks for loooking

  7. what an adorable post, typical day for me too. :)
    just grabbed your button. you are too cute. xo

  8. i hope my future baby is as cute as H and can land us some free stuff! :)

  9. love the new bottons!! glad ya got to enjoy some mommy/son time!! i tagged you in some questions on my page..Im still so new at this stuff, so who knows if I did it right haha!

  10. Oh man--I'm not surprised about the pirate flag. That boy is so beyond cute.
    These are the kinds of posts that make me want to be a mother.
