Thursday, September 2, 2010

va-va-va-va-cation face

I can't even properly put into words how good it feels to be home. Trading in a busy work week for one that comes with sleeping in and home cooked meals is like, the best freaking deal ever!

My whole family has caught the HenryLove craze and hardly ever puts him down. This = hot showers, slower eating, and two free hands for me. Also, see that cup next to me? OMG. This morning I was actually able to drink a whole cup of coffee, peacefully on the sunny (quiet) porch.

Oh, hello free time. Remember me?

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  1. hey lady! so, i feel like i giant dick for having to write you on here to say i can't make it to the seattle meet-up tomorrow. i was really looking forward to it but it just isn't panning out. plus i can't find where i had your real contact info! MEH!!!

    ok so, my email is:

    can you email me so i can haz your email address? it's silly that i don't already have it!

    also, are you on facebook? i would absolutely LOVE to stalk you there as well as on your lovely blog...

    i hope tomorrow is a bundle of fun! if there's ANY chance you have time to meet up in the tacoma area on another day during your visit, please let me know!

    loooove you!!!!


  2. vacations with family are the best aren't they? enjoy. you look happy and well rested.

  3. Nice! I can't wait to catch the Henry craze too!

  4. Oh you lucky girl! Enjoy your peace and quiet- so nice to have! Isn't funny how we appreciate the small things more now that we have babies?

  5. YOU LUCKY THING, YOU. So excited for you. I can imagine you're over the moon.
